Honey extractor search engine - the easiest way to find the right honey extractor
Frames dimensions
Frames / loot system
Dadant leaf, hatching room, 30 x 43.5 cm
Dadant leaf, honey room, 15.9 x 43.5 cm
German normal, 22.3 x 37 cm
German Normal, flat, 15,9 x 37 cm
German Normal, half, 11 x 37 cm
German Normal, one and a half, 33.8 x 37 cm
Langstroth, 23.2 x 44.8 cm
Langstroth, flat 1/2, 13.7 x 44.8 cm
Langstroth, flat 2/3, 15,9 x 44,8 cm
Langstroth, flat 3/4, 18.5 x 44.8 cm
Swiss stick, breeding room, 36.1 x 28.8 cm
Swiss stick, honey room, 17.7 x 28.8 cm
Zander und DNM/EHM Rämchen., 12 Rähmchen bis zu einer Höhe von 11 - 22,2 cm und einer Oberleistenlänge von 48 cm.
Zander, 22 x 42 cm
Zander, flat, 15,9 x 42 cm
Zander, half, 11 x 42 cm
Honey extractor type
Viscosity of honey